
Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy that facilitates the body’s natural tendency towards health. Osteopathy recognizes humans as dynamic functional integrated individuals so treatment focuses on you as whole person (not a simply as a painful body part) where mind and body are interrelated (biopsychosocial model of health) and where one part integrates and influences another even at a distance. Osteopathy is a safe and effective form of prevention, assessment and treatment of a wide range of health issues.

This gentle hands -on approach systematically assesses and addresses tissue strain, stress and dysfunction along with any associated alterations in vascular, neural and biomechanical influences. Observed in posture, movement patterns and through educated touch/palpation (that note changes in the position, mobility or quality of the tissues), these somatic dysfunctions may be treated with ;

myofascial work, cranial sacral therapy, muscle energy, visceral therapy, energetic impulse, plus other fascial techniques.

Osteopathy’s goal is to support the body’s natural self-regulation mechanisms all the while respecting the individual and their unique experience.

Initial Visit (includes Assessment & Treatment/60 min.) and
Follow Up Visits (60 min.): $120 + HST